Members of the WFME Recognition Committee met over Zoom on 13 February 2023. Since Professor Stefan Lindgren’s tenure as chair had ended, the aim of the meeting was to elect a new chair and to discuss the current committee’s membership.
Professor Luis Sambo, representing the Africa region, was elected the committee’s new chair. Other members are as follows:
Americas: Doctor Angel Centeno
Eastern Mediterranean: Professor Zeinelabdin A Karrar
Europe: Professor David Gordon (new member)
South East Asia: Professor Usman Chatib Warsa
Western Pacific: to be selected
WFME Recognition Committee is a decision-making committee for the WFME Recognition of Accreditation Programme. The committee comprises six members in total; each member representing one of WFME regions.
Top row, L-R: Professor Ricardo León-Bórquez (WFME President), Jana Cohlová (Recognition Programme Manager), Professor Usman Chatib Warsa
Middle row, L-R: Professor Stefan Lindgren, Professor David Gordon, Professor Luis Sambo (a new chair)
Bottom row: Professor Angel Centeno